Week 2 Development

Week 2 of Development!

Originally Published:  at  01:52 AM
Updated:  at  01:34 AM


At the start of the week, we created a brainstorming board on Miro, where we can discuss and list out our ideas.

We went through what the entire project will be about - planning for the journey and establishment of leaving Earth to another planet or moon.

We discussed the key questions highlighted in Week 1:

  • Where do we go?
  • How do we get there?
  • How do we survive when we do get there?

Finally, we conducted research on each possible destination that we could travel to, and presented them in the brainstorm as shown below.

Some of the options on the list were Mars, Venus, one of Saturn or Jupiter's moons, as well as exoplanets such as Kepler-452b.

Discussions & Brainstorming


We briefly decided that our destination would be Mars, as other planets are either unreachable, or inhabitable as we have discovered during our research. Mars would be the best destination, since it is within our solar system and the closest possible planet to Earth.

This would bring advantages to us later in the project, as the travel time would be much shorter compared to travelling to other planets or moons.

Mars' environment is also not as extreme like planets such as Venus. We thought about the closest exoplanet (Kepler-452b) to our solar system that is fairly similar to Earth and the environment is ideal. However, it would take us about 7 million years to travel from Earth to Kepler-452b, using the fastest speed ever reached by a rocket. (Figure 1)

Brainstorm Planets Image
Figure 1: Planets Brainstorming

Problems & Issues

This week, we also discussed some possible issues during the journey and a space establishment, but not specific to a mission to Mars. These included:

  • Gravity
  • Food
  • Water
  • Oxygen
  • Psychological Issues

We briefly started researching and discussing the basic problems. More research and communication is to be done in the future weeks.

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